


详情: 15876091220 黄**·商务QQ:3274453293·http://www.zsfulaite.com

广东中山福莱特涂料公司专业生产销售: |黄**15876091220| QQ:3274453293天然真石漆|水包水多彩漆|岩片漆|质感漆|水性氟碳漆|防水涂料|隔热涂料|弹性拉毛漆|水性金属漆

作业条件: Job requirements:
1、在基层处理之前,墙体需要一定时间的养护,一般新水泥墙面冬天的养护时间为28天,夏天的养护时间为14天。养护到基层的 pH 值小于 10,含水率小于 10% 后,再进行基面处理。
1, before the basic level processing, wall needs a certain time of maintenance, new cement metope commonly the curing time of 28 days in winter, summer the curing time of 14 days. Maintenance to the pH value is less than 10, moisture content is less than 10%, then the base surface processing.
2、基层检查验收: 抹灰质量的允许偏差(mm)及检验方法。
2, examination and acceptance of grassroots: allow the rendering quality deviation (mm) and the inspection method. 
3, the basic unit should be clean, no dust, no floating on the surface of slurry, WuYouJi, no rusty spot, no mildew, salt deposition and moss and other sundry.

4, doors and Windows installed according to design requirements, and through the acceptance.

5, to complete the installation of the storm sewer card, the hole equipment, pipeline, and around the mouth of the cave with cement mortar, the metope of all need to be dry.

6、采用双排架子或吊篮施工,应符合国家安全规范要求。 7、在施工前,对不进行施工的部位进行遮挡保护。
6, double row of shelves or hanging basket c**truction, should comply with national safety regulati**. 7, before c**truction, not for the part of the c**truction of barrier protection.


