详情: 15876091220 黄**·商务QQ:3274453293·
广东中山福莱特涂料公司专业生产销售: |黄**15876091220| QQ:3274453293天然真石漆|水包水多彩漆|岩片漆|质感漆|水性氟碳漆|防水涂料|隔热涂料|弹性拉毛漆|水性金属漆内墙乳胶漆|外墙涂料|仿石漆|乳胶漆|乳胶漆排名
The exterior wall paint inside wall emulsioni paint | | | | emulsioni paint imitation stone paint latex paint
Flat inside wall emulsioni paint product description:
Based on the flat paint leading technology in the field of functional architectural coatings, flat inside wall emulsioni paint has the global similar products of the highest quality.
产品特点:Product features:
Cover rate, high polishing the washing resistance, high coating is exquisite.
用途 use
Mainly used for all kinds of buildings and heat insulation coating on the surface of the oil and gas storage tank, can also be used in vehicles, chemical, electrical, and some facilities on the surface of the cooling protection and decoration.