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True stone QiYan piece of paint brand | | rock slice of the rock slices of paint manufacturers | paint c**truction technology | rock slice prices

Rock paint, widely applicable to high-end style of government building projects, high-rise apartments, villa residents with modified surface of wall of building, especially ceramic tile to cover the old wall refurbishment of one pace reachs the designated position to achieve the best choice of the luxurious decoration purpose.
Basic level processing to repair the leveling, the back cover - frame - block - spraying - rolling - jie paper to cover the light - cleaning section.
  ● **的安全系数。举例近万平米外墙采用石材干挂饰面,将加载上千吨额外负担严重危及生命财产。喷涂岩片漆仅占石材1/20的自重且施工简易,更可有效保障建筑物安全。
Low absolute safety coefficient. For example, nearly square meters walls by dry hanging stone veneer, thousands of t** of extra burden will load seriously endanger the life and property. Rock slice of painting only 1/20 of stone material weight and simple c**truction, more effectively to ensure the safety of buildings. 
  ● 独特的艺术品位。岩片漆质地坚韧牢固、花纹美观耐老化不褪色、抗渗防裂性能极大地优越于其他涂料产品,更以多彩逼真的花纹效果超越了枯燥乏味的普通真石漆而酷似花岗岩, 由于她**、时尚、华贵,势必成为当今颇显滞后的各种建筑涂料和传统石材的更新替代精品。
"The unique artistic taste. Rock slice of paint texture tenacity strong, beautiful decorative pattern ageing resistance do not fade, anti the anti-cracking performance greatly superior to other coating product, more with colorful realistic pattern effect beyond the ordinary really stone paint of the boring and like granite, because of her outstanding, fashion, elegant, is bound to become today''s well be a lag of a variety of architectural coatings and update of traditional stone material replacement products.


