详情: 15876091220 黄**·商务QQ:3274453293·http://www.zsfulaite.com
广东中山福莱特涂料公司专业生产销售: |黄**15876091220| QQ:3274453293天然真石漆|水包水多彩漆|岩片漆|质感漆|水性氟碳漆|防水涂料|隔热涂料|弹性拉毛漆|水性金属漆真石漆岩片漆|岩片漆品牌|岩片漆生产厂家|岩片漆施工工艺|岩片漆价格
True stone QiYan piece of paint brand | | rock slice of the rock slices of paint manufacturers | paint c**truction technology | rock slice prices
Rock paint c**truction process
一、岩石漆施工: 钉子防锈处理及面板处理→ 防潮底漆1遍→分格→弹性腻子3遍→打磨→防潮、防霉底漆1遍→岩石漆3遍→罩面漆1遍
A c**truction, rock paint: nail antirust treatment and panel to moistureproof primer 1 times, points to play
The putty 3 times - polishing - 1, rocks, moistureproof, mouldproof primer paint 3 times to finish 1 times
Second, rock paint c**truction quality requirements
A, floor treatment: the nail with special nail oculentum antirust processing, with exterior wall putty to do the plate seam
Ping, floor there are lack of edge drop Angle with exterior wall putty''s flat.
B, moistureproof primer coating evenly, no leakage.
C, frame, carried out in accordance with the stone material curtain wall exterior frame, seam with wide stone juncture, no more than 6 m
A breakthrough of deformation joint, joint 15 mm wide, embedded dark grey structural adhesive.
D, putty batch of brush, and polishing: floor processing batch of brush, after clean surface should be smooth and clean, line should be straight
Positive, clear and beautiful, no peel, delaminating, empty drum, should be no cracks on the surface.