


详情: 15876091220 黄**·商务QQ:3274453293·http://www.zsfulaite.com

广东中山福莱特涂料公司专业生产销售: |黄**15876091220| QQ:3274453293天然真石漆|水包水多彩漆|岩片漆|质感漆|水性氟碳漆|防水涂料|隔热涂料|弹性拉毛漆|水性金属漆

Should pay attention to the quality problem:

 1、面层出现楞子现象: 主要原因是在现浇砼施工中,由于模板接缝所造成楞子,因此在面层施工以前,抹灰工序要对这些接缝进行修正,达到抹灰面的标准。以避免面层施工后出现此现象。
1, the surface appears stare blankly a phenomenon: in the c**truction of cast-in-situ concrete is the main reason is that, due to the template seam caused stare blankly, therefore before surface c**truction, the rendering process correction to the seams, reach the standard on the surface of the plaster. In order to avoid the surface after c**truction appear this phenomenon. 
 2、空鼓和裂缝现象: 主要的原因是由于底层抹灰没有按工艺要求施工所造成的,因此在施工前,应按水泥砂浆抹灰面交验的标准来检查验收墙面,否则,面层平涂不能施工。
2, empty drum and fracture phenomenon: the main reason is because the underlying plaster is not caused by c**truction according to the requirements of process, therefore, before c**truction, should according to cement mortar plaster surface produce standard to check acceptance of metope, otherwise, the surface coating can''t c**truction.
 3、接槎现象: 主要原因是由于涂层重叠,面漆深浅不一所。造成因此在施工中要避免接槎现象,可采取以下措施。 
3, if phenomenon: the main reason is due to the overlapping coating, paint shades. Therefore in the c**truction to avoid meet if phenomenon, can take the following measures.

◆ 应把接槎甩在分格**。
 Pieces should be the answer if in frame line.
◆ 施工**一次成活,不要修补,这就需要层层验收,严把质量关,以免造成接槎现象。
 Mixer c**truction a survival, best not to repair, which requires layers of acceptance, strictly the quality pass, lest cause if phenomenon.


